Episode 15: Turning Surviving Into Thriving with Chatela Monae

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Do you feel like you are going through life just surviving but not really living up to your full potential? Turn that survival into thriving so you can accomplish everything you desire in your life. 

In this episode, I am excited to be joined by the amazing Chatela Monae. She is a single mom and in her words, she was “knocked off course but has come to realize that her story is still being written”. This is something that we all need to remember, we are not defined by anything that happens in our lives and there is always time to rewrite your story! I love Chatela’s message and her reminder to all moms that we don’t just need to survive but we can also discover how to thrive. As Chatela says, “You can’t heal through it if you don’t walk through it.”

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • About Chatela’s background (2:56)

  • The power of the word ‘thrive’ for mothers (9:00)

  • How Chatela is getting enlightened (12:39)

  • About Chatela’s healing process (22:35)

  • How Chatela is showing her children her mission (33:58)

  • What’s next for Chatela (45:10)


Episode 16: Wiring Yourself For Self-Love with Neha Sonney


Episode 14: Sharing Angel Messages with Jana Lynne