Episode 14: Sharing Angel Messages with Jana Lynne

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Have you communicated with angels before? Are there any angels you want to speak with? Whatever your walk in faith may be, there are angels that are guiding you along the way. 

In this episode, I am thrilled to be joined by the talented Jana Lynne. Jana is a channeler who receives messages from angels, saints, and ascended masters. These angels have communicated with Jana that they are always willing to love us and help us be the best version of ourselves and provide healing with our highest good in mind. By helping others hear Divine messages, Jana’s goal is to be instrumental in increasing the acknowledgment of the presence of unconditional love in each of our lives.

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • About Jana’s walk in faith (3:35)

  • How Jana invites the angels to her clients (10:46)

  • Jana’s daily routine to practice her faith (17:10)

  • The difference between an angel and a guide (21:57)

  • How fear impacts our spirituality (31:14)


Episode 15: Turning Surviving Into Thriving with Chatela Monae


Episode 13: Turning Grief Into Growth with Lydia Knorr