Episode 5: The Power of 8 with Michelle Young


Who do you have within your inner circle? Your vibe attracts your tribe and it’s no secret that the people we surround ourselves with are the most influential on our behaviors and mindset. 

In this episode, I am joined by Michelle Young. Michelle is a nurse by profession and a constant student of professional development. She is a connector, attracting many different people into her circle and developing deep relationships. Given both of our passions in personal development, it’s no surprise that Michelle and I met at a positive energy group meeting and ended up in a Power of 8 group together. Today, Michelle and I are specifically talking about the book The Power of 8 and how to harness the miraculous energies of a small group. Michelle and I also talk about the power of prayer, the power of intention, the power in numbers, and the power of dedication. 

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • About Michelle’s background (3:00)

  • How Michelle chose her Power of 8 group (7:14)

  • What the Power of 8 is (11:30)

  • What the after-party moment is (23:36)

  • To discover what makes you excited and joyful (34:54)


Episode 6: Pivoting with Purpose & Positivity with Rima Potter


Episode 4: Money Talk with a Millennial with Jeanette Rosalia