Episode 4: Money Talk with a Millennial with Jeanette Rosalia

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Are you a Millennial? If you were born between 1981-1996 then you have been at the forefront of the money transformation. 

In this episode, I am joined by Jeanette Rosalia and we are talking all about money and how it shows up in your life. How you view money, spend your money, save your money, and your overall relationship with money, is generally built upon the environment you grew up in. Millennials like Jeanette have played an integral part in the new way of making money and doing business online. Jeanette hired her first online coach in 2019 and managed to pay off $15,000 of debt in one year. She started her own online business during the pandemic in 2020 while working full-time as a project coordinator. Jeanette specializes in financial literacy and debt pay off in order to save you money every day through her online courses, coaches, consulting, and free PDFs.  

Some Questions I Ask: 

  • Can you tell us about yourself? (5:00)

  • How do you track your money? (13:36)

  • How do you celebrate a win? (17:09)

  • How has debt defined you? (19:18)

  • What are some ways you start to save? (25:04)

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • How Millennials have a unique relationship with money (2:00)

  • About Jeanette’s relationship with money (6:40)

  • About Jeanette’s daily and monthly money habits (15:43)

  • To stop viewing money from a place of lack (18:30)

  • About Jeanette’s online business (21:27)


Episode 5: The Power of 8 with Michelle Young


Episode 3: Rewriting Your Story with Rach Brooks