Episode 122: Choose Yourself First! From Self-Abandonment to Self-Expression with Megan Gibson
Does your external world feel in alignment with who you indeed are?
In this episode, I welcome the inspiring Megan Gibson, who joins us from the other side of the pond to talk about self-expression, how to put ourselves first without feeling guilty, and the gratifying (yet arduous task) of finding, expressing, and living our life under our true nature's rules. Megs is an Alignment Coach, Writer, and fellow podcaster Host of the Freed To Be You podcast. As an expert in self-actualization, Megan helps women over 40 rediscover who they are and go from Self-abandonment to Self-expression.
Throughout this episode, Megan talks about her self-discovery journey and the challenges and lessons that transformed her life and gave her a new purpose, career, and perspective of the world. We also talk about the importance of choosing ourselves first, guilt-free, Megan's coaching style, her podcast, and much more.
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
Megan shares a bit about her life and how she became who she is (3:00)
Why you must stop shoulding all over yourself (7:40)
Megan talks about the 180° change in her life (12:20)
We are changing constantly, and we must learn to deal with that (17:00)
Megan becomes an alignment coach (19:00)
Freed To Be You, how it was born, and what is all about (24:10)
Megan talks about a surprising discovery she made about herself throughout her journey (33:30)