Episode 116: Discover the Power of Courage and Compassion with Andrew Anderson


  • Book: Andrew L. Anderson - Strength of the Oak, Strength of the Willow: How to Find Courage & Compassion in a Turbulent World

  • Write an email at andrew@andrewlanderson.com, write "Stephanie gift" in the subject, and get a present that'll bless your life.  

Connect with Andrew:


We know the sun always comes out after the shitstorm; we just need to figure out what to do during the rain. 

In this episode, I'm thrilled to welcome the amazing Andrew Anderson, International Best-selling Author, Transformational Speaker, and Breakthrough Coach. While experiencing what he called his "two-year dark night of the soul," Andrew decided to rely on his courage and compassion to "fix" his turbulent world. 

Throughout our conversation, you'll hear about Andrew's transformational journey, the courageous decision to explore forgiveness and compassion as a way out of the darkness he felt in, and how he learned to see the good in every situation, not just the good ones.  

Additionally, we talk about his best-selling book, "Strength of the Oak, Strength of the Willow," his thought process and inspiration to write it; Andrew also shares practical tips to unstuck yourself from whatever is holding you back, and so much more.

In This Episode, You'll Learn:

  • A bit about Andrew's background and uprising (2:50)

  • The two-year dark night of the soul (5:10)

  • Surround yourself with models of victory (9:00)

  • Identifying your life mission statement (15:20)

  • A practical tip to unstuck yourself (20:50)

  • Andrew talks about the thought process that led to writing his book (31:40)


Episode 117: How to Change Your World Through Self-Compassion with Rita Desnoyers-Garcia


Episode 115: Discover the True Power of PR: A Masterclass with Andrea Pass