Episode 96: How To Thrive In The Middle Of Midlife And Perimenopause Crises with Karen Cerezo


For many women, perimenopause and midlife changes feel like they happened overnight. Most of them can't see it coming because of the lack of information available; they miss the subtle signs their body sends. 

In this episode, I'm joined by the fabulous Karen Cerezo, Women's Health Coach and Personal Trainer, and Certified Health Coach & Trainer for Midlife Women. After being a school teacher for 17 years, Karen really got into fitness and health and decided to become a health coach to help others become their best version. Although she was aware of how harsh midlife could be on women, she didn't grasp the concept until one day, she woke up with joint pain, feeling slow, and with the sensation that the extra 30 lbs she had were somehow injected into her body the night before. 

Throughout this episode, Karen shares her journey in dealing with perimenopause and midlife effects and helping other women to be ready and prepared to deal with them the best way possible. We talk about the four pillars of health: nutrition, movement, mindset, and education, and the massive importance of community for midlife women. 

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • About Karen's journey into becoming a Certified Health Coach & Trainer for Midlife Women (2:39)

  • Midlife kicks us right in the middle (pun intended) (12:02)

  • The four pillars of health (19:39)

  • You can't out fitness or out diet menopause (23:09)

  • Why community is so crucial for midlife women (32:32)


Episode 97: Define Your Own Version Of Success with Amanda Herr


Episode 95: Find Joy In Doing Less And Breathing Easier with Lisa Zawrotny