Episode 27: The Superpower of Business Systems with Amanda Rivera
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Are you an entrepreneur, but really a solo-preneur? Successfully running a business as a one person team is impressive, but exhausting. Learn how to streamline your business so you can begin to scale!
In this episode, I am so excited to be joined by the wonderful Amanda Rivera. Amanda is a Business Systems Coach & done-for-you marketing agency owner. Her mission is to help coaches automate their business so they can focus on the work that ignites their passion for serving their clients. Rather than spending time maintaining social media or learning the endless new technology, Amanda teaches her clients the tools to market and grow their business while also offering a free launch prep in a day kit finked with everything you need to launch your next offer on social media today. She has been featured in Forbes, BBC News, Business Insider, HuffPost, MindyBody Green and has done brand collaborations with Thinkific and Hellobar on her marketing strategies.
After seeing fluctuating income throughout her coaching career, Amanda found herself living with a scarcity mindset as a solo-preneur. When she finally sought out a coach herself, Amanda discovered the value of streamlining your business in order to not only increase profits but also to free up time. Today, Amanda is helping countless entrepreneurs as a Business Systems Coach. Throughout this episode Amanda talks about her entrepreneurship journey, how she helps her clients streamline their business, why consistency is important in every aspect of your business, and so much more.
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
Amanda’s entrepreneurship story (3:15)
How Amanda helps her clients streamline their business (7:45)
The value of creating space by automating your work (17:15)
The matrix to find your ideal price (33:12)
To apply consistency to every aspect of your business (43:15)
Amanda’s advice for a marketing strategy (51:28)