Episode 62: Living a Life that Lights Your Soul on Fire with Kait Marie

Are you looking to change your career? This is one of the scariest decisions for most people. That’s because of the uncertainty that comes with being jobless or failing to land a job that is as good as the one you are in.

In this episode, I am so excited to be joined by Kait Marie, Speaker, Career Pivot Champion, and Recruiting Strategy Consultant. She is a dynamic and engaging professional who is best known for her bold leaps of faith in the career world. She is passionate about helping people find a career that they can be great at and excited about. She does that by challenging the traditional idea of professionalism and encouraging everyone to live a life that lights their soul on fire.

Throughout this episode, Kait Marie talks about the different jobs she held before landing her current job. She also shares with us the benefits of working in the tech world and what you need to succeed in it. Additionally, she explains how working remotely has benefited her and why she encourages people to consider applying for remote jobs.

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • Kait’s childhood experiences and aspirations (03:24)

  • How Kait’s short visit to the doctor’s office left her devastated (13:21)

  • How she got her job with a SaaS (Software as a Service) company (18:50)

  • Why it is important to believe that you can learn anything (25:54)

  • How working remotely benefits Kait (44:51)

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